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Outdoor Arts Portugal is an interdisciplinary platform promoted by Bússola, dedicated to creative and production professionals in the fields of performing arts in public spaces and contemporary circus in Portugal. In 2025, it once again launches the Outdoor Arts Portugal Laboratories, an immersive programme integrating critical thinking and contemporary artistic practices, aligned with social and environmental concerns in artistic creation for public spaces.
This initiative aims to drive aesthetic and dramaturgical innovation in street arts, reinforcing the value of the "common space" through a multifaceted perspective of public space as a place for encounters and sharing. The programme explores the relationship between place, artist, and people, fostering a participatory and interdisciplinary approach.
The laboratories combine masterclasses and debates, drawing on the experience and vision of guest contributors who engage directly with participants. This format promotes an environment of open and constructive exchange, fostering new perspectives and practices for the future of arts in public spaces.
Outdoor Arts Portugal Immersive Laboratory #3
Public space, community, and interconnections
Sociedade Harmonia Eborense
15 February 2025
Duration: 4 hours
Schedule: 14:00 - 18:00
Panel: Luís Sousa Ferreira and Léa Prisca López
Founder and director of Riscado, an artistic project that emphasizes the relationship between the arts, territory, and communities, Luís Sousa Ferreira also serves as the Deputy Artistic Director of Teatro Nacional D. Maria II and director of 23 Milhas, which oversees four cultural spaces and events in Ílhavo. He was an artistic and communications consultant for Braga’27 – European Capital of Culture 2027 bid, teaches Cultural Programming and Production at ESAD in Caldas da Rainha, and is the Artistic Director of Aldear, a project in the Tâmega and Sousa region. An Industrial Design graduate, he has held roles as a cultural commissioner for the Médio Tejo Intermunicipal Community, production and development coordinator for experimentadesign, and cultural producer at the Centre for the Study of New Artistic Trends (CENTA). He founded and directed BONS SONS, a community-driven festival of Portuguese music in Cem Soldos - Tomar, co-founded colectivo-mente, and was part of the working group to refine the Arts Support Model. Since 2019, he has been a member of the advisory board for Portugal’s Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai and a columnist for Gerador magazine.
A cultural mediator and programmer, Léa Prisca López holds a degree in Fine Arts and a Master’s in Art Studies from École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts Montpellier, enriched by contributions from Annie Tolleter and Mathilde Monnier at the Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier. She further expanded her expertise with a Master’s in Regional and Urban Planning from the University of Aveiro, focusing on the active role of cultural agents in territorial planning and the crucial role of cultural policies in building equitable, inclusive, and interdisciplinary societies. Léa arrived in Portugal in 2005 through the European artist residency program Artists in Context (Pépinières Européennes pour Jeunes Artistes). She worked at d’Orfeu until 2014, creating visual and multimedia communication, and has since become a cultural communication consultant. Léa develops educational and community projects and works as a freelance band agent and road manager with Sons Vadios, supporting international bands at events like Macau's Lusofonia Festival. In 2017, she coordinated the UNICEF Child-Friendly Cities Action Plan for Águeda and contributed to the Strategic Cultural Plan for the Municipality of Águeda.
The Outdoor Arts Portugal Laboratories are promoted in partnership with Riscado and supported by the Portuguese Republic - Culture, through Direção-Geral das Artes. This edition is also supported by ARTERIA_LAB - Universidade de Évora and Sociedade Harmonia Eborense.
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